Love keeps no record of wrongs. - 1 Corinthians 13:5

Restoration Records

Restoration Records began after seeing the testimony of a young woman who lost her record deal in Nashville after she became a Christian. She was poised by the industry to be the next big thing...although she lost a career, her walk with Christ is a phenomenal story of love and hope. Her experience inspired this project. It is our hope that this repository will grow and become an incredible resource.

We did our best to find as many OpenSource materials, and focused on items we felt could be useful. Of course, if you see a need that should be listed, send a link and description and we'll get to vetting it and add it to the right area.

"It was pretty evident that struggling artists could use a repository of information for their self-producing needs...a place to get started or back-on-track without compromising their faith. Restoration Records is that resource. Please share with those in need...and send any resources you believe should be here to @mtwigg." - Michael Twigg, PhD

To help artists and musicians succeed.
Use our lists of free programs to begin your career
Our guides will show you how to cultivate your online presence
Restoration Records
Restoration Records
Providing aid to professional and hobbyist artists alike

Make award-winning music
Creating your own record label & monetizing yourself.
A platform dedicated to providing aid to musical artists of all kinds.
<a href="#">01.</a>


Do you have ideas and inspiration, but no way to make them a reality? Check our links.
<a href="#">02.</a>

Monetizing Yourself

With our free resources, beginning your career will be cheaper than you expected.
<a href="#">03.</a>


With help, you can begin on your path to jumpstarting your career and head toward stardom!

Love keeps no record of wrongs. - 1 Corinthians 13:5

Restoration Records

Restoration Records began after seeing the testimony of a young woman who lost her record deal in Nashville after she became a Christian. She was poised by the industry to be the next big thing...although she lost a career, her walk with Christ is a phenomenal story of love and hope. Her experience inspired this project. It is our hope that this repository will grow and become an incredible resource.

We did our best to find as many OpenSource materials, and focused on items we felt could be useful. Of course, if you see a need that should be listed, send a link and description and we'll get to vetting it and add it to the right area.

"It was pretty evident that struggling artists could use a repository of information for their self-producing needs...a place to get started or back-on-track without compromising their faith. Restoration Records is that resource. Please share with those in need...and send any resources you believe should be here to @mtwigg."